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Comparable Prices

Non-toxic Products For
Every Area Of Your Home and Life

Supports American
Jobs and Families

No Mainstream

Products made
in the USA

The Illusion of Choice

There are hundreds of consumer goods brands in ourcountry and the vast majority of them are all owned andcontrolled by just a handful of mega-corporations. Evenwhen you think you are buying natural products, in manycases those natural companies have been absorbed bythese giant corporations.

Consumer Goods

More specifically non-durable consumer goods are theitems we purchase and run out of month after month forour entire lives. The items like toothpaste, dish soap,laundry detergent, lotion, soaps, etc. By controlling thedistribution of this category these corporations havecreated a predictable model of cashflow based on ourbuying habits.

“We are blessed with the opportunity to stand forsomething - for liberty,
freedom and fairness. And these are things worth fighting for, worth devotingour lives to.”

Ronald Reagan, 40th US President

Where Does Your Money Go?

Studies show that nearly 63% of the price you pay forconsumer goods add no value to the end consumer.Billions of dollars each year is used to purchaseadvertising with media companies, fund distributionand big box stores. Spending that money on better,safer ingredients and a company that supports freedomis a better option.

Support America

Rather than supporting these mega-corporations withyour purchases, choose to invest in companies thatuphold the patriotic and conservative values thatAmerica was built on. We’ve partnered with a direct-to-consumer company that offers over 400 high-quality,sustainable, and effective products delivered straight toyour door and Made in the USA.

Who is Mr. Matt Patriot?

Mr Matt is a dedicated Patriot, nowretired after 30 years of LawEnforcement as a DEA SpecialAgent and Police Officer in theNYPD. He has dedicated his life toprotecting the public and standingfor the Constitution of our Country.He believes in the morals andtraditions this country was foundedon which are rapidly being alteredand erased.He has created thispage and several Patrioticbusinesses online to promotepatriotism and financial freedomfor all.

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